When something is reproduced for so many times is that art?
Yes it is still is considered as an art. Because art is the use of skill and creating what is on our imagination.
What's the importance of the mechanical reproducibility of the art?
The importance of it is keeping the original copy. Also, by reproducing one art, we are allowing ourselves to make something new based on what inspires us.
What was the impact on mechanical reproducibility on the society?
The impact of mechanically reproducing an art is losing its essence and authenticity. At the same time, it loses its respect to the artist who made the original piece of art.
For example,
From this image…. To this image…
Is photography art or contribution to the art? Is it just a tool used by artists?
Photography is an art and also a tool for artists. Different artists used different tool to produce an art for example: by using paint, water color, pencil, pastels, charcoals and many more. It’s the same thing when we think about photography. We use different tools such as different lenses, different filters, different flashes and a lot more in order to enhance a picture.
How and why Henry Pitch Robinson created Fading Away? What was the reason?
Henry Pitch Robinson used a composition of five negatives to illustrate a girl failing due to tuberculosis and shows the depression of other family members. The reason why he created this picture “Fading Away” (1858) is to expose the truth about how people undergo hurt and suffering during time of loss.
(http://www.rleggat.com/photohistory/history/robinson.htm)Photography has impacted the world of art and influenced some changes in the area of accessibility to art. If mechanical reproduction created revolution, what is happening now with the digitalization?
With digitalization, we were deprived of what is real. With different softwares like Photoshop, wherein imperfections are being erased, and other ugly features are being enhanced.
This two video is a good example.
First picture Mona Lisa:
Mr. Bean Mona Lisa
Heart icon
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